AKA, year that I stop sucking my thumb… (Mom: that leaves to be seen). We know how much we hate going through tons of baby photos so I handpicked 10, only 10, photos out of probably hundreds to celebrate our daughter’s 5th birthday. On another note: if you think people enjoy looking at hundreds of […]
Start Small, Stay Small
When you start a business, it is easy to build a business model that is profit-driven. You want to become a million-dollar company like everyone else in your industry. You might even think that growth is the most important thing to work on and focus most of your resources on it. Call me old-school but […]
Living Life By The Letter
Many many years ago, we started the Random Game, because of love… I can’t remember exactly how it started but it goes something like this. When I was only 19 years old (he was my first boyfriend!), we started off dating by doing all the traditional pa-tor activities such as watching movies, having meals together […]
‘Tis The Season To Be Rioting
No, I’m not trying to instigate a riot here but just commenting how ironic it is that when we are supposed to be talking about peace and joy on earth and it actually instigates unrest and unhappiness. And what an unhappy surprise to be returning home to a scene of relative somberness. I’m probably not […]
Why Learning From The Past Harms Creativity
Time and time again we are told that children have a better imagination and creativity than us, grown-ups. And they are not always worse at solving problems! Learning from our past experiences is something that we are all conditioned to grow with. It is not necessarily a bad thing because learning from our observations and […]